San Francisco Kayak & Adventures
Frequently Asked Questions-Kayaking
(Please scroll down for Hiking FAQ's & our Cancellation Policy)
What Experience do I Need to Kayak?
Sea kayaking is highly accessible and no previous experience is required for our tours. Our friendly, supportive guides will teach you the simple and necessary skills for you to enjoy your time on the water.
Are there Age Requirements?
The minimum age is 8 years (children ride in double kayaks with a parent). There is no maximum age - Kayaking is easy, fun and enjoyable!
What Should I Bring/Wear?
Wear synthetic, wool, or silk clothing (shirt, pants, fleece top or sweater, gloves are optional). Layer warm clothing as necessary for your temperature requirements. Please DO NOT wear any cotton
You might consider a water-resistant jacket and/or pants
Bottled water and snack (power bar)
Sunscreen, sunglasses
Sun-shielding hat (warm weather), Warm Hat (cooler weather & night paddles)
Booties, water shoes, sandals or sneakers with wool or synthetic socks
Headlamp for evening tours
Waterproof camera, or zip-lock bag for regular camera
A way to secure your keys, money and any valuables
Please consider bringing a tip for your guide for exceptional service - the industry standard is 15% of your party's total tour cost before discounts
What NOT to Bring!
Electronics, phones, non water-proof cameras, non waterproof watches, expensive jewelry, unsecured glasses, or any other items that Neptune and Poseidon might feel the need to damage or borrow.
Will I get Wet?
Kayaking is a water sport yet, most of your body should remain relatively dry. Your feet will likely get wet during kayak entry/exit, so wear appropriate shoes and (wool or synthetic) socks. Also, consider bringing an extra pair of shoes & socks and a change of clothes for after your tour.
What about capsizing the Kayak?
Capsizing is extremely rare. We use stable, two-person sea kayaks and our guides have years of professional guiding experience, are certified and are focused on your safety.
What Equipment is Provided?
Kayaks*: We only use closed-deck traditional kayaks which are warmer, dryer, more comfortable, faster and easier to paddle & maneuver. This is unlike sit-on-top kayaks which can be leaky, wet, awkward, slow and uncomfortable. (please see images below*).
High-quality feathered paddles
Coast Guard Class III rated PFD's (personal flotation device)
Comfortable and adjustable spray skirts
First Aid and safety equipment
Experienced, friendly guides with local knowledge and years of professional guiding expertise
Frequently Asked Questions-Hiking
What Experience do I Need?
None! Just a willingness to meet new people, have a great time and experience the amazing outdoor world!!
What Should I Bring?
Proper hiking shoes that are comfortable and provide ankle support.
Wear layers of synthetic fabrics that you can move comfortably in. Layer clothing as necessary for your temperature requirements. Please Avoid wearing cotton, as this is not a good wicking material for staying comfortable.
1-liter container for water
Small backpack or fanny-pack (waist pack) for carrying your 1-liter water container, power bar and layers of clothing.
Sunscreen & sunglasses
Sun-shielding hat or warm hat
A camera
Please consider bringing a tip for your guide for exceptional service - the industry standard is 15% of your party's total adventure cost before discounts
What is Provided?
Power bar, granola bar or snack
1-liter of water
First Aid and safety equipment
Experienced, friendly, certified guides
*Images of Tandem Closed-Deck Traditional Kayaks versus Tandem Sit-on-Top Kayaks:
San Francisco Kayak & Adventures only uses the high-quality closed-deck traditional kayaks pictured below; which are warmer, dryer, more comfortable, faster and easier to paddle & maneuver.
Our Traditional Closed-Deck Tandem Kayaks
(click on images to enlarge)
Tandem Sea Kayak -side view
Tandem Sea Kayak- top & side view

Tandem Sea Kayak
You may be more familiar with the Sit-On-Top Kayaks pictured below; which many operators must utilize if you do not have previous kayaking experience or are not on a Guided Tour; these Sit-On-Top kayaks can be leaky, wet, awkward, slow and uncomfortable.
Sit-On-Top Kayaks
(click on images to enlarge)

Sit on Top- top view

Sit on Top- top & side view

Sit on Top Rental Kayakers- cold and wet... try our warm kayaks!